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Reminder: If you have a friend or neighbor who may have forgotten to submit their Fall 2014 kindergarten registration documents, please remind them that priority registration closes on February 7. All paperwork needs to be submitted to the home school by the end of the school day on February 7.
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
Family Science Night, Tonight: Please plan to join us on tonight from 6pm-8pm in the Covington Multi. Lawrence Hall of Science will present:
“Electrifying Science: The Magic of Electricity.” Experience science so electrifying that it literally makes students' hair stand on end! Marvel and join in as electricity levitates objects in midair, sets them ablaze, or lights them up from across the room. And look out when the lightning flies in their shock-tacular, high-voltage finale! Science Night is funded by the Covington PTA, a kick-off event for the Science Fair, which takes place in March.
This year's Science Night will be in an assembly format in the Multi, with two assemblies back to back. The assemblies are identical in content, just geared to younger crowds (6 - 6:50 p) and older crowds (7:10 - 8p). You are welcome to attend either or both!
Assembly 1: Grades K-2: 6:00pm-6:45pm,
Assembly 2: Grades 3-6: 7:10pm-8:00pm.
Thanks to Ingrid Choong for organizing this for our Covington Community!
Erin S. Green, Covington Principal
Important Dates – Please Note:
Jan 28 – Family Science Night 6pm-8pm, Multi
Jan 29 & Jan 30 – Egan & Blach Parent Tours
Feb 7 –Author Visit: 4th – 6th grades
Feb 7 – Father/Daughter Dance
Feb 17- Feb 21 – NO SCHOOL: President’s Day plus Winter Recess
Mar 29 –Covington School Auction!
April 26 – LASD Junior Olympics
Multi-Cultural Fair Planning Meeting: Please join us on Tuesday, February 4th at 830 a.m. in the staff room to find out how you can help with our upcoming Multi-Cultural Fair in May. We need creative hands and minds to help celebrate our school's rich diversity! Our Multicultural Fair includes booths representing various countries, food, activities and performances. If you cannot make it to this meeting, but would like to help or have questions, please contact Nadiah Mshasha at,
Get your orders in by this FRIDAY, JAN. 31. Students who wish to receive an autographed copy of Tony Abbott’s new book “The Copernicus Legacy: The Forbidden Stone” need to complete an order form and attach a check payable to Kepler’s Books prior to his visit to Covington School. IMPORTANT: Forms must be returned to classroom teachers or the box in the office labeled “Author Visit” by FRIDAY, JAN. 31. Form can be found here:
We are pleased to offer fourth through sixth graders the opportunity to attend an assembly featuring Tony Abbott, a bestselling author of nearly a hundred books for middle grade readers. His visit to Covington is made possible by the PTA and at no charge to our school by Kepler’s Books in Menlo Park as part of their educational outreach program. - Maureen Drobot and Lori Parsons
Wine Donations Needed: The Covington Auction is coming soon! If you'd like to donate a bottle of wine worth $25 or more, please drop off at Peter Martin & Ivette Loredo's porch on 80 Eleanor Ave in Los Altos by February 9th. Thank you! The wine lots are always best sellers at the auction!
Father-Daughter Dance: An event you won't want to miss... The Father/Daughter Sweetheart Dance! Scheduled for Friday, February 7th from 6:30-8:30 in the Covington Multi. Spaces Still Available. $60 per couple.
(Available to all Covington girls and their escorts)
contact Tracey Leong to register
Auction Party/Space still available: Aroma & Spice and All Things Light - Pakistani/Indian Cooking Class. Host: Sumaira Nabeel Time: 6PM . Date: Friday, February 7th, 2014 Location: Mian residence at 1015 Border Rd, Los Altos. Pakistani/Indian food cooking class led by Zareen Khan, the chef/founder at Curried Away Catering. Participants will learn to make: Masoor Daal (Lentil Soup), Karahi Chicken Curry, Peas Pilau (a rice pilaf), Persian Cucumber and Mint Yogurt Raita and Mango Kulfi (dessert). Included are: drinks & appetizers, dinner, cooking instructions, recipe cards, and takeaway gift. Contact if interested. $60 per person
Covington Auction tickets now on sale! Early bird pricing available until January 31st! For more information and ticket purchase,
All Covington Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Graders:SAVE the DATE!
54th LASD Junior Olympics
Saturday, April 26, 2014 8am- 4pm
Mountain View High School
More information coming soon and at
Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6: Students currently in grade 6 must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin seventh grade in August of 2014. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office by March 14, 2014.
30th Annual Margaret Thompson Historical Essay Contest 2014 Theme: “Los Altos Art Works Enrich Our Lives and Community” Take a journey in your mind and imagine what would happen if your favorite work of art came alive! Describe an experience or adventure that happened one day. Within your writing, identify your work of art and tell where it is located. Be sure to include a beginning, middle, and end. Think about developing an organized flow of ideas. As you write, use interesting vocabulary and creative ideas. For the complete essay prompt, go to
LAEF: Did you Know?...Living Classroom is hands-on, curriculum-based learning supported by LAEF. The Living Classroom utilizes school gardens and outdoor areas to provide children with hands-on learning experiences through engaging, garden-based lessons. These lessons complement the existing curriculum and provide the opportunity for students to experience concepts taught in the classroom through exploration of the natural world. Living Classroom lessons are designed to hold student interest and improve lesson retention through hands-on experience. Your donations to LAEF make this program possible. Learn more and make a donation today!
LAEF Representatives at Covington are:
Matt Abrahams,
Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney,
Jessica Speiser,
Ritu Kapoor (member at-large),
District & Community News:
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.
3/15/25 10:24 AM