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Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
PTA/Principal Coffee This Friday: Please join us in the staff room after the flag salute/morning assembly. Miss Gibo and Ms. Foster will be sharing what is happening in kindergarten and how they are integrating technology into the classroom.
Kindergarten Registration Still Ongoing: Open Enrollment continues until 2/7/14. Registration materials are available in the Covington office. If you have a kindergartner or transitional kindergartner for next fall, be sure to register now.
If you have questions about registration, please call our school office.
Egan & Blach Parent Tours: If you have a 6th grader, be sure to note that New Parent Tours at our wonderful Junior Highs are scheduled in January and March. You can check the website at either school for more information: or
Erin S. Green, Covington Principal
Important Dates – Please Note:
Jan. 17 – PTA Meeting/Principal Coffee 8:30am
Jan 17 – School Spirit Day: Football Day (No pads, cleats or helmets)
Jan 20 – NO SCHOOL: MLK Holiday
Jan 21 – NO SCHOOL: Staff Development Day
Jan 25 - Save the Date: Boys Night Out
Jan 29 & Jan 30 – Egan & Blach Parent Tours
Feb 17- Feb 21 – NO SCHOOL: President’s Day plus Winter Recess
Mar 29 – Save the Date: Covington School Auction!
Space Still Available at Boys Night Out: Join Covington Boys and Dads for Boys Night Out. Spend the evening at the Area 151 Arcade + Red Racer Hobby Shop in Downtown Los Altos. Super Fun!!
Pizza/Soda/100 Tokens/Slot Car Track/Legos.
Saturday January 25th / 5:30 - 7:30PM / Pizza/Soda/100 Tokens/Slot Car Track/Legos. $25 per person/ $50 for Father and Son
Pizza at Area 151 at 5:30PM. To save your spot please email John Crawford at Make checks payable to: Covington PTA and return to Boy's Night Out box in Covington Office
Covington Auction tickets now on sale! Early bird pricing available until January 31st! For more information and ticket purchase,
Amazon Rebates: For the Month of December, Covington has earned $424 from Amazon rebates! That is almost $3000 for the school year so far. Don't forget to go through the Covington website when you shop on Amazon. Costs you nothing and Covington gets free money!
Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6: Students currently in grade 6 must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin seventh grade in August of 2014. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office by March 14, 2014.
After School Programs: Basketball, Science and other programs are enrolling for Winter 2014. Check the Covington Website for more information.
District & Community News:
Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.
3/15/25 10:22 AM