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October 22, 2013

Reminder: Today is a minimum day!  All kinders attend from 8:15-11:35am.  1st – 6th graders are dismissed at 12:15pm.  Thank you for picking up your children promptly.

Homework Club:  Homework Club starts next Monday, October 28th for students who would like a little extra help.  Students will bring their homework to the club and have a quiet place to work and receive teacher assistance.  Participation is by parent request or teacher recommendation; so if you think this is something your child would benefit from, please see our Front Office Staff or email There will not be homework club on Thursday Oct 31st due to Halloween.

Halloween Parade on Thursday 10/31 at 2pm

Halloween is upon us and is being celebrated next Thursday at Covington School! In order to make the celebration fun, safe and appropriate for all students, please remember that the following are prohibited:  costumes with violent themes and weapons, excessive blood and gore, and rubber masks that cover the entire head and/ or face.  Since the parties and Costume Parade all take place in the afternoon, we request that you send your child to school with their costume in a bag.  After lunch, everyone will change into his or her costumes. Your child's teacher will explain this procedure to students and if you have any questions related to costumes and changing, please contact the teacher or the office.


Kindergarten students wear costumes all day

12:50 pm 1st-6th Grade students dress in their costumes

1:00-1:50pm Classroom Parties

2:00-2:30pm Halloween Parade on blacktop

Since the parade will end at 2:30, please make sure upper grade (4th-6th) students are checked out with their child's teacher before leaving campus.  1st-3rd Grade students will also be excused after the parade at 2:30.  Kindergarten hours will be at the regular times. And again, there will not be Homework Club on 10/31.

Important Dates – Please Note:

10/22 – Minimum Day; all kinders attend 8:15am-11:35am,
            1st -6th graders are dismissed at 12:15pm; no lunch at school.
10/25 – Indoor Assembly 8:30am.
10/31 – Halloween, parade starts at 2pm.
11/4- 11/8 – 6th graders at Walden West Science Camp
11/11 – Veteran’s Day,  No School
11/25-11/26 – Parent/Teacher Conferences, No School
11/27-11/20 – Thanksgiving Break, No School

From the PTA Regarding Minimum Day Parties on 10/22: If your child is signed up for one of these, please have your children wait at the Second grade lunch tables after school dismissal at 12:15pm. They can have their lunch at these lunch tables. There will be signs posted at the tables for the parties.

At 12:30 the children will be walked to their minimum day parties.

Basketball- 12:30-2:30 @ basketball courts (18 kids)

Cooking- 12:30-2:30 @ Room 32 (13 kids)

Hip hop- 12:30-2:00 @ Multi (41 kids)

Crossfit- 12:30-2:00 @ Field (7 kids)

Tennis- 12:14-2:00 @ Rosita with Coach David (8 kids)

We are still looking for help during sign ins and sign outs. Please don't forget to sign your child out or have the child tell us if they are going to CCLC or are walking themselves home. This way we do not have to give you a call to check if your child has reached home safe.  Thank you, Kavitha Herle <>

Student Council News: Friday, October 25, we will have a Halloween Store at recess. 

Lost & Found: Please check the Lost & Found outside the multi for your children’s clothing.  The racks are overflowing!  Unclaimed items will be donated to charity soon.

LAEF: Don't forget to mail your check! If you pledged a donation to LAEF during this week's phonathon--Thank You! Please send your check as soon as possible. Your child, your Covington staff and the District appreciate - and rely on - your generous annual support.  If you are increasing your donation over last year, remember that we need to receive it by November 1 in order to take advantage of the matching challenge grant. For a list of local companies that offer corporate matching funds, contact LAEF Executive Director Shobana Gubbi at 650-559-0445 or by email LAEF Representatives at Covington are:

Matt Abrahams,
Anjana Nagarajan-Butaney,
Jessica Speiser,
Ritu Kapoor,

         Make Your Tax Deductible Donation Today!

Fundraiser: Shop Tea Collection at this link: from Monday October 21st to Sunday October 27th and 15% of the proceeds go to Covington (it has to be from the link above)! Tea Collection has beautiful styles and rugged quality clothes for boys and girls. Shop for your child's wardrobe, an upcoming birthday or for the holidays.  Just please shop! 

District & Community News:

Post an Announcement in the Howler? If you have an announcement to include in Howler, please send it to  Announcements must be received by 12:00pm on Friday in order to be considered for the Howler scheduled for the following Tuesday.

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