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From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:
100th Day of School
We have been in school for 102 days already, can you believe it? This week our primary classes celebrated the 100th day of school. In honor of this milestone, Captain Zero made his yearly appearance to our Kindergarten classes. We look forward to many more celebrations and accomplishments the second half of the year. On this day, our Administrative Council (all principals and administration) also had a fantastic morning visit to Covington. They enjoyed visiting classrooms and were impressed with all our staff is doing to engage, inspire and teach our children.
Science Fair Coming to Covington March 18th, 19th, 20th
The science fair is just around the corner. All of our 5th and 6th grade students, along with various students from other grades are hard at work completing their experiments and drawing conclusions to be shared at our Covington Science Fair held March 18-20. We need parent help, so if you could spare some time during that week, please contact Ingrid Choong ( Don't forget, Tuesday, March 19th at 6:30pm is Science Fair Night. Everyone is invited to our campus to view our students' experiments.
Innovative Grant Recipients-Covington 1st Grade!
The first grade team at Covington is proud to announce that they have received approval for an Innovative Teacher Grant. Mrs. Chan, Mrs. Nero, Mrs. Scatena and Mrs. Sitler collaborated to draft a grant for video equipment they will use to help first graders design and create multi-media presentations. The teachers have shared that the projects they are planning to do with this new equipment will help them to offer instruction that addresses their students' diverse learning styles and interests. The teachers’ goal is to inspire Covington first graders to create presentations that will help them connect with the first grade curriculum in more meaningful ways. Their ultimate goal is to use this technology to engage their students in problem solving and collaboration. We look forward to seeing some of the creative work in our 1st grade classrooms.
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
ELAC advises the principal and staff on issues related to the development of a detailed school plan for English Learners, the development of the school’s needs assessment, administration of the school's language census (CELDT), provide parents educational opportunities for supporting their children in the learning process. ELAC is comprised of elected members from the parent community and meets three times per year. Covington School is in the process of forming an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) for the 2012-13 school year. Parents interested in serving as an ELAC member should call the school office and speak with Susan Evard, School Secretary. Email is great too!
Principal Coffee/ PTA MeetingTomorrow 8:30am!
Tomorrow is our February PTA Meeting and Principal Coffee. A member of our staff will share some of the activities happening in our primary grade classrooms. We look forward to seeing everyone after our flag salute tomorrow in our staff room.
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Feb. 8 – PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee
Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day Parties
Feb. 18-22 – Winter Break, No School
Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour, Blach Parent Tour
Mar. 29 – LASD Film Festival
From the School Nurse
Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6: Students currently in grade 6 must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin seventh grade in August of 2013. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office by March 15, 2013.
From the Student Council
Student Council News!
This Friday, student council will be having a Valentine's Candy Sale at lunchtime. We will be selling candy for $0.50 to $1.00. We will also be selling science boards for $5 after school by the Multi this Friday, next Monday, Wednesday and Friday while supplies last.
From the PTA
Covington Auction – March 16. Buy your Auction tickets now!
Register and buy your ticketsonline at http://covington.
Thanks to all who attended the Father Daughter Dance. What a Sweet Success! Thank you also to our wonderful photographers - Tawni Atherley http://
Covington Wear: Please remember that Covington Wear is still available and can be ordered through the website http://www.
The Coyote Pack News Last Friday was another great day for run club. Tomorrow, at flag salute many runners will be given their earned ribbons. Stop by the display case next to the office to watch us track our miles.
Investing in what we value- our children's education. Library, Music, PE, Class size reduction, Art, and Science- these are all critical to our children's education. What could be a better investment! Parents have generously invested $2 million dollars so far this year... but we need your help to raise $1 million more to reach our goal for the 12-13 school year. Please donate today- our goal is 100% participation at whatever level is right for your family. To learn more about the Los Altos Educational Foundation, please visit
From Los Altos School District
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
3/15/25 11:01 AM