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January 17, 2013

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:

The start of a New Year is always a good timereview school goals, policies and share friendly reminders. Last week parking lot reminders were shared with you in our bulletin.  This week we wanted to reprint a few of our safety protocols.

Safety First

At Covington, we are continuing our commitment to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.  In the coming weeks, we will be reviewing our safety plan and procedures.  We will continue to practice fire and earthquake drills and will also review and practice our Code Red lock-down procedures.  In an effort to ensure consistent safety procedures for all, we respectfully ask the following of all parents and visitors:

• Please stop by the office when entering the school to sign in and receive a visitor sticker/badge.  Even if you plan on only staying for a short time, or are a familiar face to all, you need to sign in at the front office. 

•If you are bringing your child’s lunch to school, do not take it to their classroom, put it in their backpack, or carry it to the lunch tables.  Leave it in the school office or on the drop-off table outside the Multi.  We will make sure your child picks up their lunch. 

To ensure consistent and effective safety procedures through out the Los Altos School District, all LASD staff will participate in an Emergency Preparedness training facilitated by the Los Altos and Mountain View Police Departments.  On the afternoon of Tuesday, January 22, all LASD staff will meet with law enforcement officers who will provide updated information for Code Red lockdown procedures. 

Following the Emergency Preparedness training, we will evaluate our safety plan, update our procedures, and conduct a Code Red safety drill.  Preparation for our Code Red drill will include informal practice in each classroom and a subsequent formal school-wide Code Red drill. 

As we prepare students for the drill, we will be sensitive to student emotions and feelings regarding the seriousness and nature of Code Red drills.  Our Code Red procedures will not be connected to the recent tragic event in Connecticut.  We will adhere to our practice of not discussing the incident with students.  The details of what students are aware of will continue to be left to the discretion of each individual family.  If students need to discuss their feelings or concerns regarding our Code Red drill, I will be available.  Through out the process of practicing this important emergency procedure, we will reassure all students of their safety at Covington School.

Parents will be informed of the date in which the formal drill is planned and are encouraged to talk to their children about the importance of all safety drills. Thank you for being partners in providing a safe learning environment for our children.

Thank you for your support.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

ELAC advises the principal and staff on issues related to the development of a detailed school plan for English Learners, the development of the school’s needs assessment, administration of the school's language census (CELDT), provide parents educational opportunities for supporting their children in the learning process. ELAC is comprised of elected members from the parent community and meets three times per year.  Covington School is in the process of forming an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) for the 2012-13 school year. Parents interested in serving as an ELAC member should call the school office and speak with Susan Evard, School Secretary. Email is great too!


School Site Council Members 

If you are interested in getting to know our dedicated staff members and helping to set school wide innovative goals forCovington, we need you!  We need more parents interested in serving asparent leaders on our School Site Council.  Meetings take place typically the first Tuesday of each month from 3-4 pm in our school library.  Wemeet between 5-7 times a year.  Please email or contact Erin Green directly to express your interest or willingness to participate.   


FLU Season

We are in the middle of Flu Season. Sometimes it is difficult, especially early in the morning, to know whether or not to send your child to school.  The LASD Health Services guidelines are indications that you should keep him/her home.  In this way, you are helping to control the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses.  Click here for a link to specific symptoms, which indicate your child should stay home:  And remember, your child must be symptom-free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.


January PTA Meeting/ Parent Coffee—Library News!

Tomorrow, January 18th, is the January PTA Meeting and Coffee, beginning at 8:30am. Our topic will be Library News & Ebooks.  Our librarian, Mrs. Maureen Drobot will be our presenter.  Join us tomorrow in our staff room to hear about some of the new initiatives being implemented in our LASD libraries.


Erin S. Green



Upcoming Events –

Jan. 18 – PTA Meeting/Parent Coffee 8:30am-Staff Room

Jan. 18 – Sports Day – Wear your favorite sports/team clothes

Jan. 21-22– No School, Martin Luther King Holiday, followed by Staff Development Day

Jan. 29 – Family Science Night

Jan. 30, Jan 31 – Egan Parent Tour, Blach Parent Tour

Feb. 1 – Father-Daughter Dance

Feb. 18-22 – Winter Break, No School

Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”

Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour, Blach Parent Tour


From the School Nurse

Pertussis Booster for Students in grade 6: Students currently in grade 6 must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin seventh grade in August of 2013. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your school office by March 15, 2013.

From the PTA

Covington Auction – March 16

Buy your Auction tickets now!  Only 14 days left for Early Bird Registration.  Tickets prices go Feb. 1st. Register and buy your tickets online at

 If you want to donateanything or help out contact  Donation deadline is Feb. 1st.

Father*-Daughter Dance.  An event you won't want to miss... The Father/Daughter Sweetheart Dance!  Scheduled for Friday, February 1st, from 6:30-8:30 in the Covington Multi.  Spaces Still Available.  $50 per couple, contact Tracey Leong to register.   *(Father Substitutes are welcome i.e. Uncle, Special Adult, Adult Brother etc.)

The Coyote Pack

Join The Pack this Friday…we're running during lunch!

Plenty of award ribbons were earned last Friday and will be handed out to our awesome runners at Friday Flag Salute, tomorrow.  Keep an eye on the US map in the display case to watch The Pack track our mileage en route to Washington D.C.


On Jan 29, Lawrence Hall of Science will present:  Flames, Flares, and Explosions: The Science of Fire

This assembly will set yourstudents' scientific curiosity ablaze. From the beginning of time, humans have marveled at fire. But how is it made? What is a fuel, and how does it burn?Learn about early fire-making tools and the three basic elements needed forfire. See how various fuels ignite and behave; and find out if different gases, such as hydrogen, oxygen, and helium, will combust.  This year's Science Night will be in an assembly format in the Multi, with two assemblies back to back.  The assemblies are identical content, just geared to younger crowds (6 - 6:50 p) and older crowds (7:10 - 8p).  You are welcome to attend either or both!, Assembly 1:  Grades K-2: 6:00pm-6:45pm,  Assembly 2:  Grades 3-6:7:10pm-8:00pm. Questions?  Please contact Ingrid Choong (

Individualized Education PTA  (IEPTA) Meeting

Please join us on January 24th for a presentation from Santa Clara County’s Special Education Department. Dollie Forney will speak to us about the County’s Learning Multimedia Resource Center. We will also

hear from Susan Larkin who staffs the Inclusion Collaborative Warm Line, a call/email service for parents and professionals who have questions or concerns about inclusion in the classroom or community.

This is sure to be an informative evening. Please save the date!

Date: January 24, 2013, Time: 7-8:30 pm, Place: Covington School, Room 31

The Individualized Education PTA  (IEPTA) is a Los Altos District PTA that supports bringing parents and educators together to meet the individual educational needs of pre-K toeighth-grade children in the

Los Altos School District. These needs include Special Day Classes, Therapeutic Special Day Classes, Speech and Language, and Resource.

Nature Gallery January 2013 Kids Essay Contest:

In exactly 87 words...write: Why Nature Gallery is the Coolest Store?  Lots of great prizes. For information: - /special-events/4557524777

After School Programs

Many programs registering now for Winter Session including Art, Lego FUNdamentals, Science Explorers, MVLA Soccer. Again, check the Covington website under After School Programs

Student Council News!

This Friday, January 18 is Sports Day! Support your favorite team by wearing their colors or jerseys! Also, Friday, February 8th will be a Valentine's Candy Sale at lunch. Pocket ladies will be selling ring pops and other goodies for $1.00. 

From Los Altos School District

Essay Contest

The 29th Annual Margaret Thompson Historical Essay Contest theme is related to the exhibit Bear in Mind: The Story of the California Grizzly. Grades 3-6 students may choose from two essay topics: one historical and one creative. For the full essay prompt please visit the Los Altos History Museum website: Essays are due March 8, 2013 and the prizes will be presented on May 7, 2013 at the Los Altos History Museum and the City Council meeting that same evening.

Parent Ed Event: Upgrading the Curriculum with Common Core Standards January 25, 2013, 8:45 am, iLearn Studio (located at the District Office next to the Board Room) All LASD teachers have committed to upgrading units of instruction this school year.  Come learn more from Alyssa Gallagher, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction, about what it means to upgrade curriculum and how Los Altos School District is aligning instruction to the Common Core Standards.



For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.

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