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December 20, 2012

From Erin Green, Principal

Dear Covington Parents and Community Members:

As we head into the winter season and our holiday break, I want to take this opportunity to with you all a wonderful holiday season.  I hope your family adventures and travels are relaxing and rejuvenating. 

Homework Club Resumes January 7th

Don't forget, our Homework Club will resume on Mondays, Tuesday, and Thursdays from 2:45-3:45.

2013-2014 Kinder Registration/ Tour Dates

Kindergarten Registration – Open Enrollment until 2/7/13.

Kindergarten Tour Dates – Jan. 25, Feb. 4, Feb. 25, Mar. 22, April 2, all at 1:00pm-2:00pm.

On behalf of our staff and teachers at Covington Elementary School, happy holidays to you!  We look forward to seeing you all back at Covington on January 7, 2013!


Erin S. Green



Upcoming Events –

Dec 21-Jan. 4, Back to School Jan. 7 – December Recess

Jan. 30, Jan 31 – Egan Parent Tour

Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”

Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour

Important School Messages

We are proud to announce the finalists for Covington School's 4th Annual Geography Bee which will be held on Thursday,January 10 at  12:45 in the multi!    Anna Gerchanovsky, Mahir Kekkar, Patrick Bracke, Alexander Eckinger, Lara Babu, Ilse Kuper, Anthony Maida, Noah Van Horne

Allie Murdock

From the PTA

Coyote Pack News

Last Friday, 140 Coyote Pack Runners completed 143 miles. That's a running total of 930 miles to date. If The Pack were running from Covington Elementary to Washington D.C. (along Interstate 80) we'd be in Green River, Wyoming. This week, 20 runners earned their red 5-mile ribbons and 2 runners earned their orange 10-mile ribbons. We will deliver these on Thursday. Great effort by ALL our Coyote runners!

On Sunday Covington runners were out in force (many sporting Covington orange & blue) at the 1st annual Jingle Bell Run, sponsored by On Your Mark. It was a fun run that started at OYM and followed trails into Los Altos Hills. At the completion the runners enjoyed Hobee's coffee cake and the thrill of completing a 5k! Awesome job runners!

The next fun run for which we'd like a lot of Covington participation is the Los Altos New Years Day 5k Run. This is a free community event put on by Los Altos Parks and Recreation. The 5k starts at the corner of State and Main at 9am. Coyote Runners, we will meet behind the clock tower near the start of the race. We hope to see Coyote mascot running thisrace! Please remember to wear your Covington orange & blue!

Contact Jen if you have any questions.<><>su

AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Holiday Shopping Count for Covington!

Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, CDs, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to<>, click the Amazon logo to go to the Amazon website, then select and purchaseyour items as you normally would. Covington will automatically receive a referral fee of at least 6.5%!  No sign-up required. Questions? Contact Dale Tritschler at d<><>.

Shop Bubble Kids in Downtown Los Altos and Support the Covington PTA! Looking for a unique selection of clothes, toys and more for Holiday Gifts? Bubble Kids has a great selection and great prices for you!!!  For every purchase made by a Covington Parent/Family from now until December 23rd, 10% of the purchase will go to the Covington PTA!  Don't forget to tell your sales clerk you are from Covington!  Bubble Kids can be found at 220 State Street.


Happy Holidays from LAEF.  We wish every LASD family happiness, peace and success in the New Year.  We value your support and we thank you for your generosity.

Please remember to take advantage of your tax-deductible donations to LAEF by the end of December.  Also, many companies contribute to LAEF by matching donations their employees make.   Please ensure that your company match is filed by the end of the year.

Holiday Cards Fundraiser: It is not too late to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to benefit our children.  Tiny Prints and an anonymous donor have offered to donate 25% of total proceeds to LAEF for all holiday cards order through  All the cards will have "Benefiting Los Altos Educational Foundation" on the back. You can send beautiful, personalized cards to your and friends for Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year or Chinese New Year with the added benefit of helping our schools at the same time.  This offer expires on Dec 31.

From Los Altos School District


Follow this link for the School & Community News


For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.

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