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From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Kinder New Parent Night
We had a fantastic turn out for our Kindergarten/New Family Information night last Thursday. Registration is now in full swing. If you have siblings to register or neighbors or friends in the Covington neighborhood, please pass along that our registration is taking place until Feb. 1st, 2013. If you have questions regarding the process, please call Susan Evard, our school secretary at 947-1100.
Computer Science Education Week!
This week is Computer Science education week (see
To honor this week, our fabulous STEM teacher, Sheena Vaidyanathan, has pledged to write something about what our students do, and she wrote a blog post for the LASD blog, see http://lasdilearn.blogspot.
Thank you to our fantastic parents
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for everything you do to contribute to our vibrant Covington community. We appreciate the fantastic level of parent support in all areas of school life. Special thanks to our Thursday VIP Parents who consistently come in to help with projects in the workroom. And a Super Big Thank You to the crew of parent helpers who transformed our Multi this morning with festive holiday decorations. It looks fabulous!
I hope you enjoy all the activities of the next week!
Mark your Calendars for December Activities
December Indoor Assembly
Winter Upper Grade Concert
Last Day of School Before Break
First Day Back 2013
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Dec. 17 – 4th-6th Grade Music Concert 1PM
Dec 21-Jan. 4 – December Recess
Jan. 30, Jan 31 – Egan Parent Tour
Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour
Important School Messages
No Homework Club on Thursday Dec. 20th
Homework Club will only meet on Monday 12/17 and Tuesday 12/18 next week. Enjoy yourholiday break.
Lost & Found – Please check for items by Dec. 20th
Our Lost & Found is once again overflowing with jackets, sweaters & sweatshirts.
Please pick up your items by Dec. 20th. Items left after that will be donated to children in need.
Thank you.
From the School Nurse
Flu Season is Here! Help limit the spread of germs:
You must keep your child home if they have any of the following symptoms:
Fever of 99.9 or higher
Vomiting, Diarrhea, or Nausea
Coughing, Sneezing and/or Runny Nose
Sore throat or trouble swallowing
Wheezing or Trouble Breathing
Rash or unusual sores or spots
Generalized muscle aches & pains
Unusually red, crusted or burning eyes
Nits or Lice
You need to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours.
From the PTA
AMAZON SHOPPERS – Make Your Holiday Shopping Count for Covington!
Earn referral fees for Covington on purchases of books, CDs, electronics, toys, and more. It’s EASY and DOESN’T COST YOU ANYTHING! Go to,
Coyote Pack News
We hope weather conditions this week will be favorable to allow Coyote Pack Runners to run at lunch on Friday. Parent-volunteers need not run and are needed this week. Please sign up! Coyote Pack Run Club Volunteers
There are two local 5k fun runs where we would love to see Coyote Pack Runners out in force. If you plan to attend, please wear your Covington-gear and look for the Covington Coyote, Jen or Jen before these runs. Questions? jenmcguigan@
Jingle Run 5k (Sunday, December 16 - so register now!)
The fun run will start promptly at 9am at On Your Mark, downtown Los Altos. There will be a brief pre-event meeting to go over course details. This is a Fun Run, they will not be professionally timing or taking results. Just come out, have a great run. Jingle Run is a benefit for the Hope's Corner charity in Mountain View, so you're asked to bring an unused toy to donate. Registration is $12. Register now at http://www.
Los Altos New Years Day 5k Run
We have time to plan for this run and we hope to see a lot of Coyote Runners at this fun event!
This is a free community event put on by Los Altos Parks and Recreation. The 5k starts at the
corner of State and Main at 9am. Coyote Runners, we will plan to meet behind the clock tower
near the start of the race. Please remember to wear your Covington t-shirts!
More information to follow.
Shop Bubble Kids in Downtown Los Altos and Support the Covington PTA! Looking for a unique selection of clothes, toys and more for Holiday Gifts? Bubble Kids has a great selection and great prices for you!!! For every purchase made by a Covington Parent/Family from now until December 23rd, 10% of the purchase will go to the Covington PTA! Don't forget to tell your sales clerk you are from Covington! Bubble Kids can be found at 220 State Street.
A SPECIAL GIFT FOR THE HOLIDAYS! BALLET SAN JOSE has arranged for a special discount of 10% on tickets to The Nutcracker for our families this season AND Covington gets a check from Ballet San Jose for 5% of our total sales! Just call 408.288.2800 during regular business hours Monday through Friday or buy online at using the special code COVINGTON, and you willreceive 10% off your purchases in sections 2 or 3 of the orchestra for selected performances. These are great seats to a great performance. Read all about it below!
Ballet San Jose’s The Nutcracker
San Jose Center for the Performing Arts
255 Almaden Boulevard (at the corner of Park Avenue) in downtown San Jose
Box Office: 408.288.2800 or online at
Take 10% off these special performances:
Thursday, December 20th at 7:00pm or Friday, December 21st at 7:00pm
Remember to use the special code: COVINGTON
Make a difference in your child’s education. We promised to raise a total of $3 million this year to pay for our great teachers and staff. 100% participation is our goal.
Please remember to take advantage of your tax-deductible donations to LAEF by the end of December. Also, many companies contribute to LAEF by matching donations their employees make. Please ensure that your company match is filed by the end of the year.
Holiday Cards Fundraiser: It is not too late to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to benefit our children. Tiny Prints and an anonymous donor have offered to donate 25% of total proceeds to LAEF for all holiday cards ordered throughhttp://www.tinyprints.
Student Council News
Student Council is hosting a Stay & Play Bake Sale tomorrow afternoon 2:40pm- 3:15pm. We will be selling treats and hot chocolate for $1. All proceeds will go towards our fundraiser to help support Silver Bay Elementary School in New Jersey. Students must have a parent with them to attend the Stay and Play.
Before & After School Program News
Winter Sessions Are Being Added.
Watch the Covington Website for soon to be added news about Winter Sessions for Science, Wizbots and other programs http://www.covingtonschool.
Daybreakers & Covington Chorus Concert, Friday Dec. 14th 7:00pm Covington Multi.
You are invited to the Fall/Winter concert of the Covington Chorus & Daybreakers. Admission is free and refreshments will be served.
From Los Altos School District
Los Altos Art Docent, Betty Latta, has been awarded the Los Altos - Los Altos Hills Joint Community Volunteer Service Award for promoting art and education. Betty has served as an Art Docent with the Los Altos School District for 36 years. She loves to teach watercolor painting. She says, 'The look on a child's face the first time they mix red and blue and discover they've made purple is priceless.' The Los Altos Art Docents is comprised of 89 active well-trained volunteers who teach hands-on art and art appreciation lessons throughout the Los Altos School District. For more information about the program, please visit their web site at or call 650.947.1195.
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
3/15/25 11:09 AM