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From Erin Green, Principal
Dear Covington Parents and Community Members,
Kindergarten and New Parent InformationNight
Tonight we will hold Kindergarten/New Parent information night for students entering kindergarten or moving to our district for the 2013-14 school year. Open enrollment for kindergarten is from Dec. 7th, 2012-Feb.1st, 2013 (school office closed from Dec. 20-Jan.6). If you have a child who will be entering kindergarten in the fall, please join us tonight. The presentation begins in the library at 7:00pm.
Girl Scout Brownie/Daisy Thank You
Thank you to the adorable Girl Scouts/Brownies/Daisies who visited our staff meeting and serenaded us with holiday songs. It was the highlight of our staff meeting!
Upper Grade Music Concert Dec. 17th thanks to LAEF
I want to remind you that the music program is one of the many programs funded at Covington School, thanks to your donations to the Los Altos Educational Foundation. You make it possible for our children to get an exceptional education. Thank you so much for your support.
Mark your Calendars for December Activities
New Student/ Kinder Information Evening Tonight, December 6th 7pm Covington Library
December Holiday Indoor Assembly
Winter Upper Grade Concert
Last Day of School Before Break
First Day Back 2013
Erin S. Green
Upcoming Events –
Dec. 6th – Kindergarten & New Family Information Night, 7pm tonight!
Dec. 17 – 4th-6th Grade Music Concert 1PM
Dec 21-Jan. 4 – December Recess
Jan. 30, Jan 31 – Egan Parent Tour
Mar. 16 – Covington Auction “Fashion’s Night Out”
Mar. 27, Mar. 28 – Egan Parent Tour
From the School Nurse
Flu Season is Here! Help limit the spread of germs:
Please keep your child home if they have any of the following symptoms:
Fever of 99.9 or higher
Vomiting, Diarrhea, or Nausea
Coughing, Sneezing and/or Runny Nose
Sore throat or trouble swallowing
Wheezing or Trouble Breathing
Rash or unusual sores or spots
Generalized muscle aches & pains
Unusually red, crusted or burning eyes
Nits or Lice
You need to keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free without medication for 24 hours.
From the PTA
A HUGE Thank You to the Covington community for supporting the PTAs fundraising efforts at the Book Fair this year! Truly a school wide effort went in to the success of the fair; from adding to PTA resources to support our classrooms and programs, to book donations from Parents and students alike, it was thrilling to see the community come together to enhance our school.
Thank you to our many parent and student volunteers:
Suzanne Kasso, Suzy Allison, Valeria Carty, Sandi Elefant, Margaret Yen, Alene Baronian, Irina Bublik, Wendy Angus, Jennifer Townhill, Yelena Papir, Carolyn LeBaron, Nadiah Mshasha, Valerie Cairns, Ingrid Choong, Saori O'Reilly, Yelena Volkova, Dolly Eckinger, Kathryn Lyon, Jen McGuigan, Lori Parsons, Ron Ninomiya, Suzanne Jensen, Jennifer Springer, Davida Ewan, Alison Sayar, Kristy Yang, Julie Altinger, Tawni Atherley, Amy Baugh, Inga Spiess, Cameron Hamblin, Christine Wedner, Fionnuala Loughhran, Mary Dunn, Robert Dunn, Christine Ferguson, Arezou Bahman, Jessica Clarke, Lee Lucca, Ivette Loredo, Kasey Saltzman, Deana Atassi, Anna Lee, Suzette Anderson, Cheryl House, Wendy Murdock, Deane Furuichi, Chad Starkey, Rose Fry, Fred Fry, Sarah Starkey, Caitlen Furuichi, Anna Gerchanovsky, Amber Fry, Isabella Schantz, Elias Balthazar, Susan Evard, Jane Amsden. The Book Fair would not be possible without your help! Thank YouMs. Drobot for your efforts in generating real excitement and individualized guidance for students. Thank You Ms. Green for consistently striving for school wide excellence and program success, and thank you for encouraging Book Talks. Thank you to our faculty for compiling classroom wish-lists and for taking the time bring your students through the fair. Thank you to the parents who sought out a book to gift to your son or daughter’s classroom. Thank you to those, most notably our thoughtful students, who donated to the All for Books Program. Scholastic matches your financial contributions with a donation up to one million books to two national non-profit organizations dedicated to helping children, families, and teachers acquire books and educational resources. Additionally, Thank you to those who donated more than 100 new and gently used books, to The Gift of Reading program which also helps readers beyond our school. These books have been donated to under-served children in our area, and to help teachers build classroom libraries for the children they teach, and thank you Sandy Furuichi for making our deliveries every day!
Finally, a very special thank you from the PTA and the entire Covington community to one treasured member and friend; Sandy Furuichi. Not only has Sandy championed the book fair for six years and created an essential model for future execution, she has also played many other crucial and meaningful roles at Covington to support our students and faculty. We appreciate Sandy and her dedication to our school, and wish her and her family the very best next year as her youngest embarks on 7th grade!
Family Giving Tree - Covington has signed up with Family Giving Tree to fulfill Holiday Wishes in and around bay area for 2012! The wish cards are posted in all the classrooms and in front of the office and at the staff room. Feel free to pick a wish- card and drop off an unwrapped gift with the wish card securely attached, in the huge box up in front of the office. Deadline to donate in the box is Dec. 14th. Also, this year we have a virtual giving tree set up for all those who would rather do it online. Here is a link to the virtual giving tree-http://vgt.
LAEF Tax Reminder: Please remember to take advantage of your tax-deductible donations to LAEF by the end of December. Also, many companies contribute to LAEF by matching donations their employees make. This is “free money” for our schools. Please ensure that your company match is filed by the end of the year.
Holiday Cards Fundraiser: It is not too late to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to benefit our children. Tiny Prints and an anonymous donor have offered to donate 25% of total proceeds to LAEF for all holiday cards ordered through
Before & After School Program News
Winter Sessions Are Being Added.
Watch the Covington Website for soon to be added news about Winter Sessions for Science, Wizbots and other programs http://www.covingtonschool.
Daybreakers & Covington Chorus Concert, Friday Dec. 14th 7:00pm Covington Multi.
You are invited to the Fall/Winter concert of the Covington Chorus & Daybreakers. Admission is free and refreshments will be served.
Girls On The Run (GOTR) Registration: We are excited to offer this great program to the 3rd-5th grade girls at Covington this coming spring! GOTR will meet on Monday and Wednesday after school until 4PM, for 10 weeks beginning the week of March 4th. The girls will train for a 5k run/walk event to be held on Saturday, May 18th in Vasona Park, Los Gatos. Registration will be ONLINE ONLY and opened Saturday, 12/19 at 8:00am. Space is limited and girls will be registered on a first come/first serve basis. THE PROGRAM IS FULL BUT YOU CAN GET ON THE WAIT LIST. Check out for more information or contact Covington head coach, Suzy Allison (
From Los Altos School District
Follow this link for the School & Community News
For Howler submissions, please email by Monday for that week’s Howler.
3/15/25 11:06 AM