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Stand Up for Public Schools!
Our school is fortunate to be part of a caring community where we value educational excellence for our students. LAEF, together with other Bay Area educational foundations, recognized May 9th as a day to Stand Up for Public Schools.
I’m excited to let you know that the mayors of Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Mountain View signed a proclamation in support of this day and our public schools. The proclamation recognizes that public schools are integral to the development of our future leaders and citizens and their excellence is dependent on every child, at every school, having access to a competitive, well-rounded education. The Los Altos-Mountain View Council of PTAs also declared their support of this special day.
LAEF will be promoting awareness of our public schools on Stand Up for Public Schools day and encouraging parents, community members, and local businesses to support our schools.
During my daily visits to classrooms, I am often reminded of the impact LAEF-funded programs have on our students. We have a librarian, PE specialists, music teachers, the Los Altos Art Docent program, STEM and cSTEM programs, and more, thanks to LAEF funding.
Donations to LAEF from parents, community members, and companies enable our school to offer many excellent programs. If you have already donated this year, I want to personally thank you! If you haven’t, there’s still time to donate and help LAEF raise the remaining $200,000 to meet their goal of $3.7M for this school year. You can do so by visiting
Thank you for all you do to support our school community. Together, we Stand Up for Public Schools!
Preparation for next year
May is a busy time for our community as we are wind up the current school year and, at the same time, plan for the upcoming school year. An important task for the Covington team to perform before they head out for summer is the building of next year’s classes. The amount of time and thought that each grade level team puts into the creation of each class cannot be understated. With the goal of building balanced classes in each classroom, teacher teams consider numerous factors. It is the teachers who know the students best, and it is the teachers who know each of their colleagues’ classroom environments- hence it is the teachers who are most suited to this task.
The planning for next year’s classes has started and teachers are deep in thought about creating the best, most optimal learning environment for each student. As always, we ask that parents do not make specific requests for teachers. Doing so puts your child’s teacher in a very difficult position for a number of reasons. Staffing is not yet solidified for next year. While I know of the make-up of most grade level teams, changes are still being made.
If you have a specific concern about your child’s learning needs, you can convey that to your teacher via email. The Covington team will consider that information as we build balanced classes at every grade level.
Thanks for all your support!
-Wade Spenader, Covington Principal
3/15/25 3:19 AM