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Covington PTA is committed to raising over $300K to augment district funding, supply in-class technology, and augment education programs in music and PE which equates to Covington PTA commitment of almost $850 per student.
We do this through two top-tier fundraisers staged throughout the year – Walkathon and Auction. Second tier fundraisers are Hot Lunch, Book Fair, PTA Membership Donation, Family Dinners Out, etc. Additionally, Amazon, EScrip, Box Tops for Education and Office Depot are indirect fund raising sources to benefit Covington throughout the year.

Spring Auction

The spring auction is Covington’s biggest fundraising event — and a lot of fun!  Please join Mr. Armstrong, teachers, staff, and your fellow parents as we celebrate our community.  Check out the Spring Auction page for more information.

Book Fair

Covington hosts an annual week-long Scholastic book fair in the Multipurpose Room each late fall.

Box Tops for Education Shopping Fundraiser

Every Box Top for Education is worth 10 cents for Covington. Check out for a complete list of eligible Box Tops. Put your Box Tops in the eScrip/Box Tops box in the office.

EScrip Shopping Fundraiser

Escrip is another very important shopping fundraiser. Simply register any or all of your existing grocery cards, credit cards, and debit cards with eScrip. When you use these cards at participating stores you'll automatically start earning cash rebates for Covington. Participating stores include: Safeway, Macy's, Draegers, Andronicos, Whole Foods, Big 5, Payless Shoes, LeBoulanger, A.G. Ferrari, and many more. Registration and participation cost you nothing, so please take a few minutes to sign up at Select "Covington Elementary School PTA" (Group #152356384). If you're currently a member please remember to renew your Safeway card and update your account with any new credit cards. If you have any questions, contact Kathryn Han.

Family Dinners Out

The Family Dinners Out chair organizes dining fundraisers at local restaurants approximately once a month. Restaurants rebate to Covington PTA a percentage of the receipts from Covington families dining on a particular night.

Office Depot Shopping Fundraiser

Covington can earn gift cards equal to 5% of your qualifying purchases year-round. These gift cards are used to purchase teacher supplies. Just mention to the clerk that you'd like Covington School to get credit for your purchase. The clerk can look up Covington's ID number at the register (#70009826).

PTA Membership Donation

You don't need to wait for the fund raising events to happen to donate to Covington. You can simple donate through the PTA Additional Donation section online at any time of the year and don't forget to have your company match!


The Walkathon, usually held on a Saturday at the beginning of October, brings the whole school together for a fun-filled day of walking and fundraising. 

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